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Winnipeg Real Estate Forum
2026 Dates & Venue TBD
Winnipeg, Canada

Michael Robertson
Partner at Cibinel Architecture Ltd.


Michael Robertson is a partner at Cibinel Architecture Ltd. Michael is an expert in Indigenous design and community development and has developed and delivered multiple capital projects related to the academic, institutional, and cultural areas.

The 2024 Recipient of the University of Manitoba’s Distinguished Alumni Award in Community Service. Michael is a Past Chair of the United Way Winnipeg’s Board of Trustees, a former board member of BUILD Inc, and a long-time volunteer serving people experiencing homelessness.

As a passionate advocate for equity and community service, Robertson has dedicated much of his time to helping others through a variety of commitments, from his volunteer work, to his projects with the Ma Mawi Wi Chi Itata Centre, Siloam Mission, Main Street Project and his service to the University of Manitoba over the years as a member of the President’s Advisory Council and former member of the University of Manitoba Board of Governors.

Agenda Sessions

  • How can developments and redevelopments contribute to social reconciliation and prosperity?
