Integrating financial and technical management
A Masterclass in Oil & Gas training course
Learn how to
- Gain insight to the key short-term and long-term challenges facing all sectors of the oil and gas industry
- Recognise the strategies being successfully applied by a range of oil and gas organisations and governments along the supply and value chains
- Develop an understanding of how oil and gas companies and assets are best valued taking uncertainty into account
- Become competent using appropriate negotiating tactics to secure more meaningful acquisition and divestment deals and business relationships
- Understand the project planning and direction focus required to deliver oil and gas projects on time and within budget
Case studies and practical sessions
- Risking an exploration prospect; calculating field in-place resource and recoverable reserves; sales vs. netback price comparisons
- Evaluating global change; asset diversification and correlation impacts; SWOT analysis for NOCs, IOCs and independents
- Construct a multi-year cash flow profile; calculate a range of profitability indicators to compare and rank projects; calculate the EMV of an exploration prospect
- Practical negotiations exercise (drilling operation); evaluate farm out terms; calculate the revenue and profit splits between government and PSA contractor; interpreting body language; competitive bidding
- Cost estimating; farm out negotiations; project network analysis
Key Information
Dates: Please contact Customer Services for the next available dates
Course Leader: David Wood
Online course fee: £2999 + VAT if applicable
London course fee: £4999 plus VAT = £5998.80
Why choose IFF
TRACK RECORD – we have been delivering expert training to the banking, finance and energy sectors since 1991
INNOVATION – our courses are continually reviewed so you can be sure they are focusing on the most current issues
KNOWLEDGE – all of our trainers are highly experienced practitioners and leading subject matter experts so you can be confident you are learning from the very best
SMALL CLASS SIZES – to aid learning and increase your personal interaction with the trainer
VALUE – we provide a practical training experience with skills that can be used immediately to gain a tangible return on your investment
ACCREDITATION – we are accredited by the British Accreditation Council (BAC)

Proud to partner
IFE is the official learning partner of Flame (the world's largest event series for Gas and LNG professionals)
(Find out more about Flame's events, articles and interviews)
CPD Certified
Engaging in Continuing Professional Development ensures that both academic and practical qualifications do not become out-dated or obsolete; allowing individuals to continually ‘up skill’ or ‘re-skill’, regardless of occupation, age or educational level. This course has been assessed and is CPD certified.