Key Sessions
H.E. Dr. Mohammed Salman Al Hammadi
Keynote: Opening address from the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment: The Future of Food: Sustainability, Security, and Resilience
Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
Mark Tester
Keynote: Innovating for the future of food security in the Middle East
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
Ohoud Abdulla Mohamed Al Ali
Keynote: Aerial Monitoring for Farms in Abu Dhabi Emirates
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Premium Conference Day One - GT (Gulf Time, GMT+04:00)
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Premium Conference Day One - GT (Gulf Time, GMT+04:00)
Showing 1 of 1 Streams
Regenerative Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems to Help Tackle Climate Change Challenges & Drive Forward Food Security in the Middle East
10:15 - 10:45
10:45 - 10:50
Opening remarks from the chairperson
- Luke Hutson - Chief Editor, New Ag International, UK
10:50 - 11:05
Keynote: Opening address from the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment: The Future of Food: Sustainability, Security, and Resilience
- H.E. Dr. Mohammed Salman Al Hammadi - Assistant Undersecretary for the Food Diversity Sector, Ministry of Climate Change and Environment
11:05 - 11:35
Keynote: Innovating for the future of food security in the Middle East
Arable agriculture in the Middle East is critically limited by water and heat. There are many technologies and approaches to help production in such conditions, especially in controlled-environment systems. Examples of such technologies will be presented. Reducing subsidies for energy and water would encourage adoption of these technologies and reduce the environmental footprint of agriculture in this region
- Mark Tester - Professor & Associate Director at the Center for Desert Agriculture in the Biological and Environmental Science and Engineering Division, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)
11:35 - 12:05
Food security and risk - what are key risks we face linked to food security and can regenerative agriculture play a part as a solution?
- Sadar Abdul Rasheed - Director Commodity Risk Control & Financial Risk Management Professional, Savola Group & Binsadar
12:05 - 12:20
Keynote: Aerial Monitoring for Farms in Abu Dhabi Emirates
This session is in ARABIC
- Ohoud Abdulla Mohamed Al Ali - Acting Director of Agricultural Control Department, ADAFSA
12:20 - 13:50
Networking Lunch & Exhibition Viewing
Showing 1 of 1 Streams
Investing in the Future of Regenerative Agriculture
13:50 - 15:05
Panel: Investing in Regenerative Agriculture- Understanding Regenerative Agriculture in the Middle East- What are the real needs , challenges and opportunities?
- What do we look for?
- What technologies are of key interest?
- What recent investments in this space have we undertaken?
- Creating a hub in the Middle East for Regenerative Agriculture technologies that can help food security on a global scale
- Regenerative agriculture is well known in Europe and USA- where do we stand in the Middle East?
- Understanding how we are working to position the Middle East as a technology hub for Regenerative Agriculture
- What are the challenges we face?
- Learning where the opportunities are and how to identify them
- Nadine Benchaffai - Partner, Desert Tech Ventures
- Dimitrios Drisis - Founder, Excellwise Ventures DWC – LLC
- Adithya Manoj - Senior Associate, Global Ventures
- Samantha Kayruz - Strategy & Sustainability Impact Director, Goumbook
- Roma Vora - Co-Founder, Aranya Farms
- Luke Hutson - Chief Editor, New Ag International, UK
Showing 1 of 1 Streams
Regenerative Agriculture and Technology Innovations
15:05 - 15:35
Sand to Carbon Rich Living Soil
- Taimur Malik - Chief Pollinator, Drawdown Farm at Rahimabad Estate
15:35 - 16:05
Extending our earth to you- understanding the role of Sri Lanken Coir in Regenerative Systems
- Nilmini Ferdinando - Joint Managing Director, Bio Greening Coco Naturals Private Limited
16:05 - 16:35
BTU Center:Enhancing soil health and plant resilience to abiotic stresses with microbial biostimulants
16:35 - 16:50
Closing remarks and end of day 1
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