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EU Interreg project ENERGLIK has begun

ENERGLIK is an Interreg VI Flanders-the Netherlands project (ERDF) aimed at supporting the transition to a future-proof horticulture industry in the Dutch-Belgian border region.

Within the project, research centres from Belgium and the Netherlands will work together for the next three years on innovations in the field of energy saving in greenhouse horticulture.

The ENERGLIK project focuses on four innovation domains: capturing, purification and stocking of CO2 flues to improve dosing; continued development of day- and night-time screens; optimization of dehumidification technology; and development and optimization of a novel sensor technology to monitor spore count in horticulture.

The overall goal of the project is to integrate these innovations into an energy-efficient growing system.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union through Interreg VIa Flanders-the Netherlands (€ 2.498.650,00 EU subsidy). Additional funding is provided by the Province of Limburg and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate.

The innovations will be directly tested and implemented in horticulture research centres in Belgium and the Netherlands. This will allow to quantify the amount of energy that each of the innovations can induce prior to implementing them into practical tests in the industry.

Based on this knowhow, the project partners will develop a measurement tool that allows suppliers and growers to calculate which innovations are most interesting for their daily practices in terms of improving energy efficiency. In a final report, the project partners will simulate and calculate the effect of the developed technology on sustainability and economic feasibility.

ENERGLIK is a public-private, cross-border partnership in which three knowledge institutions (Maastricht University, Thomas More University of Applied Sciences, and Ghent University) collaborate with four public research institutes (lead partner Proefcentrum Hoogstraten, Proefstation voor de Groenteteelt, Stichting Wageningen Research, and Instituut voor Landbouw- en Visserijonderzoek), and four regional SMEs (Plant Lighting, Botany, Maurice Kassenbouw, and Verhoeven QH).

More info:

AGRISHOW 2023 – 28th International Fair of Agricultural Technology in Action

Date: May 1st to 5th

Location: Rodovia Antônio Duarte Nogueira, Km 321 - Ribeirão Preto (SP)

Time: from 9 am to 6 pm