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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Series

Bart Lambrecht, MD, PhD
Professor at Ghent University


Bart N. Lambrecht obtained an MD (1993) and PhD (1999) in Medicine at Ugent and specialized in Pulmonary Medicine (2002) at Erasmus University Medical Center in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. He is Professor of Pulmonary Medicine at ErasmusMC and at UGent, Belgium, and since 2012 the director of the VIB Inflammation Research Center, hosting 250 scientists . He is an ERC grant awardee and serves on the editorial board of Mucosal Immunology, Trends in Immunology and Journal of Experimental Medicine. He has (co)authored 265 papers in the field of asthma and allergy.

The thematic area of his group is centered around unraveling the role of antigen presenting dendritic cells (DC) and epithelial cells in the lungs in asthma and viral infection. His theories on the mechanisms of allergic sensitization are now the basis of many research efforts accross the globe, and offer prospects for the design of new preventive and therapeutic avenues for asthma. Still active as a clinician, Lambrecht is the example of a physician-scientist that can push the boundaries of basic science on asthma.