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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Series

Brandon DeKosky, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Chemistry at The University of Kansas


Dr. Brandon DeKosky is an assistant professor of Chemical Engineering and Pharmaceutical Chemistry and affiliated with the Kansas Vaccine Institute at the University of Kansas, and his research emphasis is in high-throughput analyses of antibody immune responses. Dr. DeKosky developed new technologies for sequencing complete antibody variable regions from single B cells during his Ph.D. in the lab of George Georgiou at the University of Texas at Austin. As a postdoc with John Mascola at the NIAID Vaccine Research Center, Dr. DeKosky applied high-throughput antibody sequencing and functional repertoire characterization to accelerate public health vaccine development. The DeKosky lab at KU leverages high-throughput platforms to understand the critical features of adaptive immune protection and to develop novel strategies to combat human diseases.