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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Series

Charlotte Deane, PhD
Professor of Structural Bioinformatics at University of Oxford


Charlotte Deane is Professor of Structural Bioinformatics and Head of the Department of Statistics at the University of Oxford.

Charlotte also leads the Oxford Protein Informatics group, a research group of over 20 people who work on diverse problems across the areas of protein structure function and evolution. She collaborates closely with experimentalists in both academia and industry in the design of experiments to leverage the power of computation for biological insight and has over 100 publications.

She has a particular interest and strong track record in the analysis, classification and prediction of antibody structures. Her group has developed the leading online catalogue of antibody structure SABDab and a series of tools for the prediction and interrogation of structure and antigen binding (SAbPred). These tools are widely used web resources (SAbDab alone has over 500 unique users a month) and are also part of several Pharma drug discovery pipelines. She has set up a consulting arm within her own research group as a way of increasing industrial interaction and use of the group’s software tools.

Charlotte Deane, PhD's Network