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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Series

Justyna Mysliwy, PhD
Bioconjugation Team Leader at Iksuda Therapeutics Ltd


Having completed her PhD (Kiel, Germany) characterising the mode of action and physicochemical properties of antibacterial proteins, Justyna undertook her post-doctoral studies at the Centre of Advanced Research in Biotechnology (Maryland) focussed on the structural changes in G protein signalling.

Justyna joined Almac in 2009 to work on development of their proprietary technology focussed on site specific protein conjugation, before moving to Iksuda Therapeutics Ltd (previously Glythera Ltd) in 2013.

Justyna has led the development and pre-clinical exemplification of Iksuda Therapeutics PermaLink® conjugation platform in multiple ADC models including work with novel toxins. Justyna has not only generated critical insight into the development of safe and efficacious PermaLink® based ADCs, but also significantly strengthened Iksuda Therapeutics proprietary technology position.