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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Series

Kasper Lamberth, PhD
Principal Scientist, Screening & Bioassay Technology at Novo Nordisk A/S


Kasper Lamberth, Ph.D., is Principal Specialist within the field of in silico and in vitro immunogenicity assessment at Global Research Technologies, Novo Nordisk A/S. Dr. Lamberth joined Novo Nordisk 10 years ago and during this time he has worked with development of immunogenicity prediction tools as well as high throughput screening technologies. Prior to Novo Nordisk A/S, Dr. Lamberth worked for eight years with predictive immunogenicity tools, especially with MHC polymorphism and the identification of T-cell epitopes within the field of infectious diseases at Copenhagen University. Dr. Lamberth holds a MS in Biochemistry and a PhD in Immunology, both from Copenhagen University