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Antibody Engineering & Therapeutics Series

Thom Sharp, PhD
Assistant Professor at Leiden University Medical Center


Thom Sharp (Assistant Professor) is an ERC-funded researcher at the Leiden University Medical Centre (NL). His
group focusses 3 inter-related research areas: Using the latest cryoEM technology to image proteins of the
human innate immune system; using DNA nanotechnology to understand and exploit protein nanopatterns;
and developing probes for super-resolution light and cryo-electron microscopy.
Thom performed his PhD at the University of Bristol (UK) jointly between the chemistry and biochemistry
departments where he worked on de novo-designed peptide fibres and developing a clonable tags for EM. His
first postdoc was at the University of Oxford (UK), between the physics and structural biology (STRUBI)
departments, where he designed DNA crystals to aid protein structure determination using cryoEM. Since
2013, Thom has been at the LUMC, and he started his own group at the start of 2018.