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Europe's premier partnering event
November 3–5, 2025 | Vienna, AustriaNovember 11–12, 2025 | Digital Partnering

Kyungeui Park
Director at Abion Inc


ABION, INC, founded in 2007, is a biopharmaceutical company specializing in the development of innovative companion diagnostic-based new drugs that target the first-in-class/best-in-class categories of the global market. With continuous and diligent effort to make a progress, ABION has 81 registered patents, performed 41 government projects and is developing 12 pipelines including 1 pipeline in clinical trial phase II. Lately, we have received national grants from Korea Drug Development Fund (KDDF) for the development of ABN401 and 501. In 2021, ABION is listed in KOSDAQ for further expansion. We have a wide and innovative collaboration with industrial partners, academic researchers, hospitals, and government. The synergism in collaboration facilitates the development of ABION’s pipelines. There are 4 major pipelines in the focus of oncology and infectious disease: ABN401 (vabametkib), ABN501, ABN202 and ABN101. Our capability is to embark on a new innovative drug entity and validate through stringent protocols and consolidate proof of concept. With a strong standpoint of understanding unmet needs and discovering such new drug entity with deep consideration of precise medicine, we believe precision medicine would be the great assets for the public healthcare system. One of the critical thresholds is to find out the specific area of focus which could be hard to overlap with other company’s strategic plan, meaning it requires the networking and communication for further discussion about not only pipeline’s originality but also criticality of the public health system.

Agenda Sessions

  • Oncology: Abion
