Key Sessions
Kalle Johnson
Where’s the Beef? Cultivated Meat Offers a Tasty and More Sustainable Answer
Johan Rockberg
Cellular Demands of Secreted Biopharmaceuticals and AAV– How Systems and Synthetic Biology Improve Quality and Titer
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Nandu Deorkar, PhD
Keynote Address: Adapting to Changing Molecules And Regulatory Expectations
Ben Doak
Bringing ATMPs to patients: a British perspective
NHS England
James Coburn
Regulatory Science Perspective on Implementing Industry 4.0
Seema Bhatlekar
Improving Yield of Recovered Capsids during Downstream Recovery
Johnson & Johnson Innovative Medicine
Hari Pujar, PhD
The Future of Nucleic Acid Medicine is Here
Flagship Pioneering