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Paul Russell
Course Leader at Lloyd's Maritime Academy


Paul completed a traditional cadetship with Cunard Shipping Services. During his career as a ship’s engineer,
he served on all types of vessels from passenger ships to super tankers. His sea service also included mediumspeed engines powering small tankers, slow-speed engines driving bulk carriers and steam plant providing power for the first container ships.

Following the successful completion of his class one certificate, Paul undertook service as assistant superintendent, after which he was recruited by the National Sea Training Trust to introduce marine engineering education and training into the college at Gravesend. Subsequently, Paul also took time
to obtain a Master’s Degree in Educational Management at The University of Greenwich. As Head of the National Sea Training Centre at North West Kent College, Paul undertook the role of Course Director for the Diploma in Marine Surveying run with Lloyd’s Maritime Academy (LMA) and is now the current Course Director for the Middlesex University/LMA MSc in Marine Surveying.

During his time at NWK College Paul led the Marine department at the College into the delivery of Superyacht Qualifications and has been an active supporter of updating the IAMI and SQA examination systems. He also authored the Superyacht specialist module on the LMA Superintendency course.