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Darren WestAcademic Course Leader at Lloyd's Maritime AcademyTrainer
Darren was a Warfare Officer in the Royal Navy for 21 years which included conducting bridge watchkeeping, seamanship, diving, warfare operations, administration, executive and command roles. In January 2015 he joined Warsash Maritime Academy (Solent University) as a Senior Lecturer and Course Leader in Maritime Management. During this period, he was awarded an MSc with distinction in Leadership and Management for his project entitled ‘Leadership and Management of Seafarers during the transition from manned to unmanned ships’.
Darren moved to Florida in September 2017 to work with his US wife in property development management. Having successfully achieved most of the associated project management during the COVID-19 pandemic, he is now turning his attention back to academia and maritime management as the industry transitions into a post-pandemic future.
Before moving to the US, Darren was a Fellow of the Institute of Leadership and Management, a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and a member of the Institute of Maritime Engineering, Science and Technology.