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European Lifestars Awards
6.30pm - Midnight | 17 November 2025
City Central @ Honourable Artillery CompanyLondon, UK


Find out how the scoring & points allocation works for the European Lifestars Awards

Clear and transparent judging and scoring

Finalist Scoring

  • Each finalist will have their written submission reviewed and scored by our judging faculty. A score of up to 10 points can be earned based on the relevance to the criteria placed against each award category.
  • The scores from each judge are tallied and a total aggregate score is attributed to each finalist in each category.
  • The finalist with the highest tallied score in each category will be crowned the Winner. The top three in each category will carry a Gold, Silver and Bronze Award. Only the winner will be present with the commissioned trophy.

Additional Points Allocation

  • Each finalist is allocated a region based on their geography at the time of submission. The regions are as follows:

    • Benelux - Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxembourg
    • DACH - Germany, Austria and Switzerland
    • Mediterranean - France, Israel, Italy, Spain and Portugal
    • Nordic - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
    • UK & Ireland - United Kingdom and Ireland
  • Each Region will have approx. 25 finalists on the night from its constituent countries. Countries are not guaranteed an equal number of finalists.

  • In addition to the judges scores providing an absolute Winner (Gold), followed by 2nd place (Silver) and 3rd place (Bronze) in each category, the finishing position of each individual finalist based on the aggregate scores of the judging faculty will carry a points scoring as follows:

    • Winner (Gold) - 10 points
    • 2nd place (Silver) - 8 points
    • 3rd place (Bronze) - 6 points
    • 4th - 10th place - 5 points
  • In categories where there are joint nominees, bonus points will be allocated to the secondary nominee's region also.
  • Between each award category presentation, these points will be tallied to provide a running leaderboard of the regional positions of this year's finalists. Over the course of the evening expect to see Regional positions switch as each category is presented.
  • A Region Champion will be crowned once all categories have been presented and scores allocated.

The combination of individual scoring and regional scoring provides a truly unique experience for a life science industry awards ceremony and allows finalists to celebrate and cheer for more than just the category they are nominated in. The awards help build regional pride and celebrate collective success.