Torben BraboHonorary President at GIESpeaker
Torben Brabo has been CEO and MD/NED for infrastructure companies (transmission, storage); around the Danish gas-power-hydrogen TSO (Energinet). He has 30 years of international experience; working on borders and across regions and sectors. Frontrunner on liberalization/markets during 2000-2009, and promoter on green gasses/biomethane since 2010, bringing Denmark to 40% biomethane. As part of GIE, ENTSOG and Prisma Boards, he most recently has worked on European Hydrogen Backbone, ENNOH, and how existing molecule sector and infrastructure can be repurposed for green gasses and CCUS/CO2. He has been very active in several molecule organisations in Europe, from "founding" to "operation".
Agenda Sessions
Panel: Driving energy future infrastructure for a net zero world: how can LNG, gas, hydrogen and CO2 infrastructure connect? Where might synergies be?
, 14:50View Session