Eric SalzmanCFO & COO at Nishkama CapitalSpeaker
Eric Salzman is the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer or Nishkama Capital, a TMT sector focused long/short equity fund based in New York City. Prior to joining Nishkama. Mr. Salzman was the Chief Operating Officer and Chief Financial Officer of Destrier Capital Management, LLC from 2012 to 2016, and held similar roles at Navigator Capital Management, LLC (2010-2011), RNK Capital LLC (2007-2010) and Scopus Asset Management, L.P. (2005-2007). Prior to working with hedge funds, Mr. Salzman was the Chief Operating Officer of the Deutsche Bank legal division, and, from 1986 through 1999, held various positions in Arthur Andersen’s audit & business advisory business
Agenda Sessions
The impact of non-commingled funds on ODD
, 2:35pmView Session