Jawaid DossaniTechnical Director at IASBSpeaker
Jawaid Dossani is a member of the technical staff leadership team at the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Jawaid is responsible for overseeing the work on some of the IASB’s research and standard-setting projects including Business Combinations—Disclosure, Goodwill and Impairment and Business Combinations under Common Control. He also supports the IASB’s work on application and maintenance of IFRS Standards, including working closely with the IFRS Interpretations Committee and the IASB’s Islamic Finance Consultative Group.
Before joining the IASB, Jawaid worked at KPMG in Canada and New Zealand for 13 years providing audit, technical accounting and accounting advisory services to domestic and multi-national clients. He is a Canadian Chartered Professional Accountant.