Euan MunroCEO at Newton Investment ManagementSpeaker
Euan Munro is Newton’s CEO and Chair of the Executive Management Committee.
Euan is a seasoned investment management executive and has earned a reputation as a leading macro investor as well as being an innovative asset management executive.
Euan is a member of the Investment Association Board where along with industry peers he champions an inclusive, diverse and successful asset management industry.
Prior to joining Newton Euan was Chief Executive Officer of Aviva Investors for a period of 7 years. Before that he spent 20 years at Standard Life Investments as a Macro Investor and was a member of The Board.
Euan has a first class honours degree in Physics from the University of Edinburgh and is a Fellow of the Faculty and Institute of Actuaries. He is also a graduate of the Advanced Management Program at Wharton Business School, Philadelphia.
Joined Newton: 2021
Joined industry: 1992
Agenda Sessions
Growth and expansion strategies in complex times: what are the winners doing differently in geos?
, 12:00View Session