Furio PietribiasiChief Executive Officer at Mediolanum Asset Management LtdSpeaker
Furio Pietribiasi is responsible for Mediolanum’s business operations in Ireland and Luxembourg. He is Managing Director of Mediolanum Asset Management and Mediolanum International Funds, a Member of the Board of Mediolanum International Life and Chairman of Gamax Management AG. Having initially trained in a professional service practice in Italy his career in financial services has spanned over 20 years covering roles as Financial Analyst, Portfolio Manager and Head of Investments as well as having Group responsibility for Mediolanum’s international product development before assuming his current position.
He is also an active member of the broader financial services industry, acting as former Chairman of the Irish Association of Investment Managers, Member of the Board of Financial Services Ireland, for which he is also the chairman the Fintech taskforce and he has been a member of different advisory groups at the Taoiseach Department in Ireland for the Asset management and Fund industry.