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IMpower Incorporating FundForum
23 - 25 June 2025
The Grimaldi ForumMonte Carlo, Monaco

Guy Janssens
Head of the Investment Specialists at BNP Paribas Fortis Private Banking


After working several years as senior portfolio manager at KBC asset management

I have started in 2000 as senior portfolio manager at MeesPierson. Being more and more convinced of the added value in using mutual funds in client portfolio’s I became in 2007 Senior Fund Specialist at BNP Paribas Fortis Private Banking. Focusing on portfolio construction I specialized myself in hedge funds and mixed allocation funds.

In 2011 I have changed my focus to sustainable funds and social responsible investments.

As head of the classic and sustainable funds I was responsible for the management and the offering of the social responsible investments (SRI) like BNP Private Sustainable, discretionary and advisory ESG mandates. What is today around 20 billion euro. Our investment approach is a combination of best in class (active & passive) and thematic (SDG). Next to that we focus more on impacting investing.

Today I am the head of the investment specialists and I am responsible for the offering in funds, equities and bonds. Thanks my long experience in sustainability I focus strongly on the sustainable transformation in all asset classes and model portfolios. As I want to share my passion of sustainability I am guest lecturer at different universities: Ghent, Leuven, Brussels, Hasselt, Antwerp and Oxford.

Agenda Sessions

  • Fixed income innovation
