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Lloyd’s Maritime Academy seminars have become a familiar feature in the training calendar for many businesses.

Each seminar is led by a group of leading industry professionals from a range of companies, allowing attendees to benefit from rounded, holistic views from various sources in one place, at one time.

Check out our upcoming seminars>>

Biofouling Management & Prevention Seminar

Biofouling, the accumulation of marine organisms on submerged surfaces, continues to pose significant operational and environmental risks worldwide.

Lloyd's Maritime Academy helps to chart pathways towards sustainable maritime practices and a cleaner, healthier ocean environment. Through informative presentations, interactive discussions, and practical workshops, we will delve into innovative strategies and best practices for effective biofouling management and prevention.

Our collective efforts aim not only to enhance vessel performance and operational efficiency but also to preserve marine biodiversity and reduce our industry's ecological footprint.

Liquefaction of Bulk Cargoes Seminar

Attending the Liquefaction of Bulk Cargoes event in London offers in-depth knowledge on liquefaction causes, risks, and impacts, the latest trends, predictive modeling, and best practices in cargo handling.

Key topics include recent case studies, regulatory compliance, emergency response planning, and sustainable practices. Network with industry experts, shipping company representatives, regulatory bodies, port authorities, marine engineers, legal and insurance professionals, and researchers. Benefit from expert insights, collaborative discussions, and London’s strategic location.

Enhance your understanding and management of liquefaction risks to ensure safer bulk cargo shipping.

Partner Organisations

Marine Professional

The Maritime Standard