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Private Placements Industry Forum - PPIF (USA)
January 27-29, 2026
Intercontinental MiamiMiami, Florida

Victor Leung
Senior Vice President, Team Lead – Asset Finance at Morningstar DBRS


Victor Leung is a Vice President in Morningstar DBRS’ Project Finance team, having joined the firm in 2017. He is a lead analyst on a number of issuers across asset classes, including renewable and traditional energy projects, transmission and distribution utilities, and digital asset project finance transactions such as data centers and cell phone towers, representing more than $20 billion of capital market debt issues. Prior to Morningstar DBRS, Victor spent 9 years with KPMG’s Infrastructure Finance practice, advising public and private sector bodies on structuring and financing of capital intensive infrastructure projects, as well as more traditionally funded government procurements, and restructurings and monetizations of crown corporations. Victor began his career working on greenfield wireless telecom network infrastructure rollouts in Asia.

Agenda Sessions

  • Digital infrastructure and the private placement market
