Mr Trutnev MikhailSenior Region Manager - Middle East and CIS at s.m.s, smart microwave sensors GmbHSpeaker
Mikhail Trutnev is the Senior Regional Manager in the Middle East and CIS at smartmicro. With extensive technical experience, Mikhail leads smartmicro business in the GULF region, helping smartmicro partners and customers better understand and implement smartmicro’s technology in the areas of Speed Enforcement, Highways, and Intersections.
Before joining smartmicro he worked for telecom market as a B2B Lead Manager in Russia. Prior to that he worked as System Engineer for western companies NETGEAR and Nortel Networks. Mikhail holds a diploma in Multichannel Telecommunication from Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.
Agenda Sessions
Presentation: smartmicro sensors for smart and safety intersections
, 12:35View Session