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18-21 نوفمبر 2025
مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض (أدنك)

ADNEC Centre Abu Dhabi

تمكين طلبتك الإماراتيين من الاستعداد للمستقبل

هل أنت مستعدّ للانتقال من الحياة الجامعية إلى الحياة المهنيّة في سوق العمل الحيوي في دولة الإمارات؟ نحن في معرض توظيف × زاهب نمكّن الطلبة الإماراتيين الجامعيين وطلبة الدراسات العليا مثلك من الاستعداد للمستقبل، ونعمل على ربط إنجازاتك الأكاديميّة بطموحاتك المهنيّة.

20 - 18 نوفمبر 2025

مركز أبوظبي الوطني للمعارض (أدنك)

ADNEC Centre Abu Dhabi

هل كنت تعلم؟

يُعتبر سوق العمل في دولة الإمارات مركزاً محوريّاً للفرص، حيث يتصدّر تصنيفات القدرة التنافسيّة العالميّة. ومع ذلك، قد يكون دخول هذا المشهد التنافسي صعباً حتّى بالنسبة للمواطنين.

  • تتصدّر دولة الإمارات تقرير التنافسيّة العالميّة الصادر عن المعهد الدولي للتنمية الإداريّة لعام 2024 في مجال التوظيف
  • 75 ألف مواطن إماراتي مكلَّفون من حكومة الإمارات بالعمل في القطاع الخاص في سوق العمل الإماراتي بحلول عام 2026
  • 62% من الخريجين الإماراتيين يرغبون في الحصول على وظيفة في القطاع الخاص في سوق العمل الإماراتي
  • 59% من الإماراتيين في القطاع الخاص يؤمنون أنّ النموّ الوظيفي والتعويضات أمرٌ مهمّ

تجاوز التحديات والاستفادة من الفرص

يواجه الطلبة الإماراتيون تحديات فريدة من نوعها، بدءاً من إعداد ملف وظيفي مُقنع وصولاً إلى فهم الخيارات المتنوّعة في مجال العمل. لذلك، يقدّم لك معرض توظيف x زاهب فعاليات متكاملة مُصمَّمة خصيصاً للإماراتيين مثلك.

التوجيه المهني المُخصَّص

حسِّن فرصك في الحصول على وظيفة من خلال الموارد والمشورة الشخصيّة التي تلبّي احتياجاتك.

التدريب والتوجيه

قُم بتطوير ملفك المهني المميّز من خلال التوجيه المهني الاحتر افي، لتضمن تفوّقك على منافسيك.

التواصل والتطوّر المهني

تواصل مع الزملاء والمهنيين لتستفيد من الفرص الوظيفيّة القيّمة.

ندوات وورش عمل حصريّة

طوِّر مهاراتك ومعرفتك من خلال جلسات تفاعليّة يديرها الخبراء في هذا المجال.

استكشف البرامج الحصريّة وفرص التدريب الداخلي والميداني من كبريات الشركات والجهات العرضة، المتاحة للخريجين الجُدد

Discover Internships and Graduate Programmes at PwC

Meet PwC at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Internship and Graduate Programmes 👇

Internship Programme:

🧑‍🏫 Internships in Finance & Accounting

Graduate Programme:

🎓 Graduate Programme - open to all majors

📚 "Watani"- An Emiratisation Programme focused empowering the growth of students, graduates and job seeker

Visit PwC at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. I20 to learn more!

Explore Graduate Programmes at NBF

Meet NBF at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programme 👇

Graduate Programme:

🎓Management Traning Programme- A 12-month program tailored for Emirati fresh graduates from diverse academic backgrounds. The programme offers a blend of structured trainings, immersive job rotations, and valuable mentorship from senior leaders.

Visit the National Bank of Fujairah at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. D20 to learn more!

Discover Graduate and Training Programmes at EGA

Meet EGA at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Graduate Programmes 👇

Graduate Programme:

👷🏻‍♂️ Smelter Programme: A six-month course that provides practical experience and knowledge for roles at EGA smelters. Graduates become Utility Operators in specific smelter operations areas.

👨🏻‍💼 Administrators’ Programme: A six-month course that trains UAE Nationals to be competent Office Administrators. Graduates are equipped to support management with various administrative tasks across departments.

🧑‍🎓GT Programme: An 18–24 month programme that trains graduates, especially in engineering, to become first-line supervisors. Each trainee follows a tailored plan with on-the-job training, technical skills, and leadership programs.

Visit the EGA at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. L10 to learn more!

Explore Training Programmes at ADIB

Meet ADIB at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programme👇

Training Programme:

🪙 ADIB is dedicated to empowering Emirati talent, with a strong focus on enhancing their skills and leadership through targeted programs but also translates into a skilled labour force that strengthens the UAE's financial services sector, fostering economic growth and sustainability. ADIB's flagship banking academy plays a pivotal role in providing UAE nationals with essential hands-on management experience.

Visit ADIB at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. M11 to learn more!

Discover Graduate Programmes at FAB Bank

Meet FAB Bank at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programmes 👇

Graduate Programmes:

👩‍🎓Ethraa Programme- Aimed at high-potential Emirati graduates, tailored to equip and empower the next generation of confident and specialised bankers.

📊Bedaya Programme- designed for third or fourth year Emirati students that are majoring in Finance, Accounting, Computer Engineering, Human Resources, Information Technology, Data Science or Artificial Intelligence.

Visit FAB Bank at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. D10 to learn more!

Explore Training Programmes at BEOND

Meet BEOND at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Programme 👇

Training Programme:

✈️ The training programme at BEOND empowers Emirati youth with hands-on experience across aviation departments like Corporate Development, Operations, Commercial, and Marketing. Participants receive mentorship, practical skills, industry insights, and a certification upon completion, boosting their employability and supporting UAE aviation growth. Graduates may receive job offers or recommendations for further education and training.

Visit BEOND at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. A16 to learn more!

Discover Training Programmes at Abu Dhabi University

Meet Abu Dhabi University at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programmes 👇

Training Programmes:

🧑‍🏫 Abu Dhabi University provides training, mentorship, and clear career pathways for Emirati professionals. ADU empowers Emiratis through tailored hiring practices, professional development programs, and partnerships with government initiatives.

Visit Abu Dhabi University at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. A21 to learn more!

Explore Internships at iFormat

Meet iFormat at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Internship Programme👇

Internship Programme:

🧑🏻‍💻Internship:10-week internship program designed to kickstart a dynamic career in recruitment and personal branding.

Visit iFormat at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. M12 to learn more!

Discover Training Programmes at ImInclusive

Meet ImInclusive at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programme 👇

Training Programme:

🌟 At ImInclusive, their mission is to empower People of Determination by equipping them with the skills, resources, and support necessary to thrive in the workplace. Iminclusive provides holistic upskilling and training pathways which are designed to prepare each candidate for meaningful employment by offering a range of tailored programs that address individual strengths, aspirations, and areas for growth.

Visit ImInclusive at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. M17 to learn more!

Explore the Training Programme at Trojan Construction Group

Meet Trojan Construction Group at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programme👇

Training Programme:

🏗️ Trojan Construction Group is dedicated to empowering Emirati talent and fostering career growth within the construction industry. Through targeted recruitment, mentorship, and structured development pathways, they aim to cultivate the next generation of Emirati leaders. The program emphasizes hands-on experience and skill-building, ensuring participants thrive in a dynamic work environment.

Visit Trojan Construction Group at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. F20 to learn more!

Discover Vacancies and Graduate Programme at RAI

Meet RAI at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Vacancies and Graduate Programme: 👇


👩🏻‍💻 20 Positions for Accounting and Finance

Graduate Programme:

🎓Graduate Development Program - a program targeted for Emirati Fresh Graduates to become licensed and Certified Public Accountants

Visit RAI at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. XXX to learn more!

Discover Mulitple Opportunities at Rotana

Meet Rotana at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Training Programmes 👇

Training Programmes:

👨‍🎓Work Experience Program Pilot (WEPP): designed to equip young Emirati students with future-ready skills.

👨‍💼Khebraty Program: This program offers part-time work opportunities for UAE Nationals in the tourism sector.

🏢TAROT (The Accelerated Refinement Of Talent): A 12-month program for candidates looking to fast-track their growth.

Visit Rotana at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. A12 to learn more

Multiple Opportunities at Atlas Copco Group

Meet Atlas Copco Group at TawdheefxZaheb to learn more about their Vacancies and Internship Programme: 👇


👨🏻‍🎓Internships in various positions

Visit Atlas Copco Group at TawdheefxZaheb at Stand No. B20 to learn more

انضمّ إلينا في معرض توظيف × زاهب وحوِّل نجاحك الأكاديمي إلى نجاح مهني.