Art Levin, PhDRetired CSO at Avidity BiosciencesSpeaker
Art Levin, was formerly the Chief Scientific Officer at Avidity Biosciences (retired) and currently serves on Avidity’s Board of Directors. Dr. Levin is a key opinion leader in RNA therapeutics, and sits on the Management or Scientific Advisory Boards of multiple companies working in the field. Dr. Levin has three decades of experience in oligonucleotide therapeutics. Prior to joining Avidity, he was the Executive Vice President of Research and Development at miRagen Therapeutics and held senior drug development roles at Ionis (formerly Isis) Pharmaceuticals and Santaris Pharma. Dr. Levin has played key roles in the discovery or development of numerous oligonucleotides including the first approved antisense drugs, the first microRNA-targeted therapeutic in clinical trials, multiple antibody oligonucleotide conjugates in clinical trials. He has published more than 100 scientific articles and several of the most cited reviews in the field. Art received a doctorate in toxicology from the University of Rochester, and a bachelor’s degree in biology from Muhlenberg College.
Agenda Sessions
State of the Art: A Look at Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Past, Present, and Future
, 1:00pmView Session