Guillaume Jacquot, PhDProgram Director, Brain and Tissue Delivery of Oligonucleotides at Vect-HorusSpeaker
Dr. Guillaume JACQUOT is Doctor of Pharmacy and got his PhD in cellular biology. He brings 20 years of academic and industrial experience in multi-disciplinary scientific project lead and translational research in various fields, including intracellular trafficking, virology, cardiovascular, neurobiology and cancer. His expertise extends from early discovery and hit-to-lead optimization to regulatory pharmacology and preclinical/early clinical development. He joined VECT-HORUS in 2010 where he established internal resources dedicated to intracellular pharmacokinetics (ICPK) profiling and pharmacology of molecular conjugates targeting endocytic receptors and in vivo evaluation of PK and pharmacological properties of lead candidates. Since 2016, he is leading efforts to apply and optimize VECT-HORUS’ VECTrans® drug targeting technology to therapeutics oligonucleotides to explore and implement their full potential in clinics based on industrial partnerships. |
Agenda Sessions
VECTrans® Platform Achieves Efficient Functional Delivery of Oligonucleotides to the deep brain in NHP at Minimal Systemic Dose
, 10:45amView Session