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Asia Bio Partnering Forum
September 9–10, 2025Marina Sands Bay, Singapore

Choose your desired level of access

All-Access Pass

The All-Access Pass grants you access to Asia Bio Partnering Forum from April 24–25, 2024, in Singapore. Additionally, this pass also grants you access to the digital days of the event, which will take place April 29–30, 2024.

Digital Pass

The digital pass grants you access to the Asia Bio Partnering Forum digital days from April 29–30, 2024. Besides virtual one-to-one meetings, you will have on-demand access to an extensive library of event content. This includes program sessions, presenting companies and sponsor and showcase companies.

All-Access vs Digital

Other ways to attend Asia Bio Partnering Forum


Enrich your participation and maximize your success with an exhibit space on-site or event sponsorship.

Present your company

We want to hear all about your company’s latest innovations! Get the attention you deserve from real decision makers.