Aivars StarikovsAdvisor to the CEO for Central and Eastern Europe countries at Hydrogen EuropeSpeaker
Aivars Starikovs is Advisor to the Hydrogen Europe CEO for Central and Eastern Europe countries. Since July 2018 till July 2023 he was Member of the Board of Hydrogen Europe who represents the European industry, national associations and research centers active in the hydrogen and fuel cell sector.
Aivars is also Member of the Board of Latvian Hydrogen Association and Advisor for Energy and Alternative Fuels to President of Latvian Academy of Sciences.
His current responsibilities include: international cooperation coordination, cooperation with responsible Ministries and Municipal Authorities, Infrastructure Business Plan development and implementation and providing excellence in research, development and management. Currently as North-East European cluster coordinator is involved on development of Joint Procurement activities for fuel cell buses what is stimulating business cases and continuous implementation of zero emission hydrogen transport.
Agenda Sessions
Panel: How can ambitious 2030/2050 targets be met – Who can help win the race?
, 09:05View Session