Elena ReshetovaLead Energy Commodities Analyst at FortumSpeaker
Elena Reshetova is currently leading energy commodities analysis at Fortum, an electricity company headquartered in Espoo, Finland. She is responsible for analyzing European oil, coal, gas and carbon and their role in the ongoing regional energy transition and electrification. Prior to joining Fortum, Elena was part of the Energy Studies Institute at the National University of Singapore where she took part in research initiatives on oil and gas industry development in Asia and Europe, governance of nuclear energy, and energy cooperation in the Arctic. Elena holds PhD in Public Policy from the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and MA in International Affairs from Boston University.
Agenda Sessions
Panel: The global gas supply and demand remains “fragile” – Will continued stiff competition impact LNG pricing and the way LNG will be purchased beyond 2030?
, 14:55View Session