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BIO-Europe Spring
Save the dateMarch 17–19, 2025 | Milan, Italy

Laura Soucek


Laura Soucek graduated in Biological Sciences at the University La Sapienza, Rome (Italy) in 1996. She was then awarded her PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology in 2001. She was a postdoctoral fellow and Assistant Researcher in Dr. Gerard Evan’s laboratory at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF, USA) until 2011. Since then, she has been leading the Mouse Models of Cancer Therapies Laboratory at the Vall d’Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO), in Barcelona, Spain, where she is also ICREA Research Professor and Associate Professor at the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). She is a cancer research expert specialized in Myc inhibition strategies, as well as founder and CEO of Peptomyc S.L., a spin off company that aims at treating cancer with anti-Myc peptides.

Agenda Sessions

  • Startup stories: how it started, how it’s going


At this event