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Consumer Duty
February 2026
Venue TBCLondon
February 2026|Venue TBC, London

Consumer Duty 2026

Hear directly from the FCA & FOS and gain the tools to meet and evidence compliance

What's in store for 2026:

Meet the FCA & FOS - hear the latest updates and further guidelines on consumer duty

Understand and embed consumer duty successfully into your BAU

Hear the FCA and FOS set the standard and touch on what they have seen post-implementation

Have your concerns addressed in-person by engaging in the Q&A session

Connect & build your network at Consumer Duty 2026

Exploit the opportunity to assemble and benchmark against various stakeholders

Meet representatives from the Financial Ombudsman Service, FCA, Blackrock, Legal & General and more!

Leverage the duty to enhance your competitive advantage

With multiple panel discussions, you are guaranteed to walk away with the latest developments pertaining to consumer duty

The conference will enable you to exceed regulatory expectations

Our policymakers will delineate the meaning of 'good outcomes'

Seize the opportunity to engage with our expertly-led panel discussions during the Q&A session

  • Aligning the views on vulnerability between regulators and industry
  • Perfect your organisation's customer journey
  • Using consumer duty to gain the edge against your competition

Utilise the immense wealth of first-hand knowledge and information

  • Embedding good consumer duty culture
  • Using MI & AI to produce good outcomes and detect foreseeable harm
  • What makes a good fair value assessment
  • Latest insights from the Financial Ombudsman Service and FCA.

Hear from both the FCA & FOS to gain a multifaceted understanding of the duty

With the FCA's focus on outcomes-driven regulation, explore how the FOS are complementing this approach