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Hotel Okura, AmsterdamIn person & on-demand

Summit Day: 13 May 2025
Conference: 14 - 15 May 2025

Dr Aydar Shakirov
Head of Gas Market Analysis Department at Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF)


Dr. Aydar Shakirov is the Head of the Gas Market Analysis Department at the GECF, an intergovernmental organization comprising 20 leading gas-exporting countries, with its Secretariat based in Doha, Qatar. In this role, he leads the department’s research activities, including the publication of the Annual Gas Market Report and Monthly Gas Market Reports. He also oversees the preparation of studies and specialized reports focused on analyzing and forecasting short-term gas market trends, covering areas such as gas supply and demand, pipeline gas and LNG trade, energy prices and pricing mechanisms, and gas transportation and storage. Prior to joining the GECF Secretariat in 2017, he worked at various governmental and academic institutions in Russia, Brazil, and the U.S. He holds a Ph.D. in international economics.

Agenda Sessions

  • Fireside chat: Will Asian LNG demand continue to grow or will plateau?
