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IMpower Incorporating FundForum
23 - 25 June 2025
The Grimaldi ForumMonte Carlo, Monaco

Jean-Francois Hirschel
CEO & Founder at H-Ideas


Jean-François Hirschel is the founder and CEO of H-IDEAS, a company which aims at re-establishing trust in the financial world. His professional expertise lies in strategically positioning financial services companies at brand and product level. Hirschel has held senior leadership positions at Société Générale and Unigestion. He holds a MSc from EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland, and has profound knowledge and experience in Institutional, Private and Retail Banking & Asset Management. He is the co-inventor and co-author of the Responsible Investment Brand Index (RIBITM), and of the Swiss Private Banking Identity Index (SPBIxTM).

Agenda Sessions

  • Swiss private banking in transformation with new market opportunities

  • Will ChatGPT replace the fund selectors? Fund buyers speak out!
