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Private Placement Life Insurance & Variable Annuities Forum - PPLI (US)
Date and Venue TBC

Jeremy Green
Director- Advanced Strategies at Financial Independent Group


I am a subject matter expert in advanced estate & business planning with 22 years of experience. I collaborate with professional advisors, closely-held business owners, and other clients with significant assets to integrate and clarify their combined business, estate, philanthropic, tax, investment and life insurance plans.

I’ve eliminated millions of dollars in unnecessary present and future combined fees, estate, income and capital gains taxes by restructuring how assets are owned, redoing business operating agreements to preserve otherwise lost tax cost basis, simplifying the number and complexity of existing trust arrangements, fixing poorly designed and maintained life insurance policies, and reducing excessive investment management expenses. Additionally, as a paid expert witness, I have testified on the proper design and execution of advanced wealth and insurance planning techniques in FINRA three-judge panel arbitration and litigation in US Federal District Court.

Admitted to practice before the IRS as an Enrolled Agent, I am also a Certified Financial Planner®, Certified Trust Financial Advisor, Certified Employee Benefit Specialist, Chartered Life Underwriter, Accredited Estate Planner, as well as a graduate of the Institute of Certified Bankers National Graduate Trust School, the American Institute of Banker's Personal Trust School and graduate of the American College's Master of Science in Financial Services degree program.

I graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2000 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Journalism using the GI Bill after serving in the United States Army’s Second Infantry Division stationed in the Republic of Korea from 1996 to 1998. I enjoy reading, documentaries, weightlifting, bicycling and time with family and friends. I reside in Edina, MN.

Agenda Sessions

  • RIA Panel – case studies on utilizing PPLI for clients: what works, what doesn’t, how it fits as part of a broader wealth management plan
