This site is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC

This site is operated by a business or businesses owned by Informa PLC and all copyright resides with them. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 3099067.

RiskMinds International
17 - 20 November 2025
InterContinental O2London


  • 100 word company profile & eps logo - please make sure you fill out the form below to submit your information. The information submitted will be used to create or update your profile on our website, signage and other important event materials. Please note, the deadline to submit a new or revised submission is 4th October. Any submissions after that date will not be guaranteed to appear on event branding: SUBMIT YOUR INFORMATION HERE
  • Pass registration - by 4th October
  • Hotel reservation - as soon as possible

Please send details to Cat Farrer


If you have not already sent us your company profile please provide the following:

100 word company description plus website address.

Please submit your company profile to Olivia Thomas by return.

Alternatively, please confirm to the same email address if the profile currently online is correct.

Please email your logo as an eps file to Olivia Thomas by return.


You are entitled to a certain number of complimentary registration passes per your agreement. If you are unsure how many passes you have used or what comes with your package, please contact Cat Farrer


The primary contact from each company will receive a unique activation link and details of how to create an account on our registration portal, Visit Connect, to register your complimentary passes for the event.

Speakers will automatically be registered, please do not use your allotments to register speakers. Our Speaker Co-Ordinator will be contacting all speakers directly with further information about their participation.


If you require additional passes, please contact Chloe Robson who will be able to share a booking link.


To arrange accommodation please go to the Plan Your Visit page. Demand for rooms can be very high, so please book early to avoid disappointment. RiskMinds International takes no responsibility for hotel reservations.

Informa Connect does not have a third party hotel booking agency representing this event aside from the above links. If you are contacted to book accommodation by any agency, this is not recommended as they are unknown to Informa Connect and the hotel.