28 years of connecting the industry
World Ethanol & Biofuels is the global industry event
Independent intelligence from the industry on international pricing and trading of ethanol and biofuels, feedstock availability, world wide regulatory outlooks and technological solutions for ethanol production plants.
The must attend event for anyone serious about biofuels
Attendees from the industry
Producer attendance
Countries represented including China, Brazil, India, Japan, Pakistan, UAE, USA and many more!
as the leading international ethanol and biofuels conference.
Continents represented -the only truly international event in the indsutry
European Commission, producers, analysts and more
Hear from intergovernmental policy makers, producers from around the world and independent analysts on feedstocks, market trends, and international opportunities.
The Future of Biofuels: Efficiency, Profitability & Policy in a Shifting Economy
From Feedstocks to SAF – Overcoming Headwinds and Driving Industry Success at the globally renowned World Ethanol & Biofuels conference
The calendar event for 28 years
For anyone serious about ethanol and biofuels - this the event where you need to be seen doing business.
Now in it's 28th edition, the event is renowned internationally for leading content, balanced industry perspectives, and unparalleled networking.
Join us in Brussels, the home of the European Commission, to meet 400+ attendees from 50 countries across the globe and network with policy makers, producers, traders and technology innovators. Connect with major producers, oil companies and end users including Poet, Raizen, Rolls-Royce, BP and more.
Meet the European Commission and other policy makers
Connecting governments and industry
Held in Brussels, at the heart of European policy and decision making, the conference bridges the gap between regulators and industry.
Join to be a part of discussions with the European Commission and policy makers from around the world.
Delve into discussions on trade, geopolitics, and feedstock impacts.
Why do 400+ ethanol and biofuels professionals attend?
Do business with people you cannot meet anywhere else
World Ethanol & Biofuels allows professionals to gather from all over the globe in one place for 3 days, giving you access to exceptional networking with professionals from across the globe.
This year's calendar event will include new networking activities allowing attendees to get even more from their time in Brussels.
- Arrive early and take part in the pre-conference geo seminar and drinks reception!
- Enjoy the new offsite experience - details coming soon!
- Extended networking during the conference
- Book the quiet zone for closed door discussions
Balanced, unbiased and indepth discussions
What's on this year?
Tailored to the main challenges and opportunities facing the industry, the conference provides unbiased and independent analysis from a range of producers, regulators, analysts and more on:
- Feedstock supply and availability – Insights from multiple sources to assess sourcing strategies and future trends.
- Geopolitics, trade dynamics, and their impact on trade flows – Featuring expert analysis from a cross-section of intelligence firms, including Argus Media, Green Pool Commodities, and Nexus Insight, ensuring a variety of perspectives.
- The development of advanced biofuels – Exploring breakthroughs from researchers, policymakers, and industry innovators.
- Biofuel solutions for land, sea, and air – With sessions featuring shipping and aviation leaders already adopting sustainable fuels.