Driving Growth, Policy, Net-Zero Ambitions | - CET (Central European Time, GMT+01:00)
- Rob Vierhout - VP Public Affairs and Communication, Alcogroup
- How the Renewable Energy Directive (RED III) supports the increase of biofuel production volumes, driving technological advancement, investment and efficiency.
- Accelerating the transition to a more resilient, sustainable and competitive energy landscape.
- Sofia Chrysafi - Senior Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Bioenergy, BP
- Olivier Macé - Biofuels Expert, Broad Manor Consulting
How does the EU's stance on crop-based renewable ethanol impact sustainability objectives?
Understanding how EU policies such as RED III and the Green Deal can stimulate advancements and investments in advanced biofuels to achieve net-zero emissions
Are the renewable energy targets ambitious enough to meet the urgent need for decarbonisation?
What are the consequences of excluding renewable ethanol from initiatives like FuelEU Maritime and RefuelEU Aviation?
How can policy structures be enhanced to facilitate the incorporation of renewable ethanol into holistic decarbonization plans?
- Zoltán Szabó - Secretary General, Climate Ethanol Alliance
- Zoltán Reng - CEO, Hungrana
- Berit Foss - Director of Sustainability, POET
- Rob Vierhout - VP Public Affairs and Communication, Alcogroup
- Stephanie Larson - Regional Ethanol Manager for the EU, UK and Canada, U.S. Grains Council
- Glauco Bertoldo - Agricultural Attaché, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Mission of Brazil to the European Union
- What are the most significant recent developments in biofuels production and consumption, and how are these trends shaping market dynamics?
- What are the current trends and future directions of the biofuels market across different regions and types of biofuels
- How can price assessments influence the biofuels market, and what role might they play in driving or shaping market developments?
- How might changes in the biofuels market impact the dynamics of feedstock supply?
- Harry Clyne - Associate Editor, EMEA Biofuels, S&P Global Commodity Insights
Do EU biofuel policies impede international innovation and investment?
How do policy discrepancies between continents affect investment and innovation? For instance, Europe's restriction on first-generation biofuels for aviation in contrast to US policy that permits corn ethanol for Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).
Are EU policies internationally aligned, and how can they support global climate objectives while providing regulatory certainty for investors?
What insights and best practices can be drawn from markets like Brazil, USA, Asia, and the UK?
- Joop Hazenberg - EU Director, Carbon Capture and Storage Association (CCSA)
- Jennifer Aurandt-Pilgrim - Vice President of R&D, Director of Innovation, Marquis Inc
- Douglas Durante - Executive Director, Clean Fuels Development Coalition
- Simona Vackeová - Director of Government Affairs, ePURE
- Fernanda Roso - Global Director, Ethanol, Raizen
Discussing the most ambitious biofuel legislation and regulations internationally
In which markets are producers receiving the most support? Who is making the biggest reductions in GHG emissions and carbon intensity?
What international trade deals and tax incentives might spur further collaboration between global entities?
- Olivier Macé - Biofuels Expert, Broad Manor Consulting
- Paulo Macedo - Global Director of International Relations, Policy & Advocacy, Raizen
How can we mitigate concerns regarding the use of food crops, such as sugar, in first-generation ethanol production?
What strategies can be deployed to reconcile food security concerns with the demand for biofuel production?
- Glauco Bertoldo - Agricultural Attaché, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Mission of Brazil to the European Union
- Rob Vierhout - VP Public Affairs and Communication, Alcogroup