Con-ed Credits

Select seminars and workshops are accredited for continuing education by the following associations:
Earn AIBC (Architectural Institute of British Columbia) continuing education learning units. 1 AIBC Learning Unit (LU) per session hour attended; please see specific session for LU amount and classification (core/non-core). BUILDEX is an AIBC-Recognized event, as such, LUs will be recorded on behalf of AIBC CES participants.
Earn BC Housing Credits by attending a BC Housing approved seminar and submitting your certificate of completion to your BC Housing Profile. Attendees will earn one BC Housing CPD point for every hour of informal learning.
Earn BOMI credits by attending the seminars accredited by the Building Owners and Managers Institute. Credits will be granted based on the time length of the approved seminar. Attendees can earn 1 BOMI credit for each hour seminar.
Engineers and geoscientists practicing in British Columbia (BC) may be eligible to collect Continuing Education (CE) hours by attending seminars at BUILDEX Vancouver. Attendees may earn one CE hour by attending one hour of educational activity. NB. CE hours must be entered manually by attendees. Attending a seminar, webinar, or conference does not guarantee the activity can be claimed, please see EGBC’s website for guidance.
Earn IDCEC credits by attending an IDCEC approved seminar and submitting your seminar’s certificate of completion to your IDCEC profile. Attendees will earn 1 IDCEC CEU for each hour seminar attended.
Certificate of Attendance
You will be automatically issued a certificate of attendance for BUILDEX sessions. To register your educational credits, please refer to the requirements of the individual accrediting authority.