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BUILDEX Vancouver
February 11 & 12, 2026
Vancouver Convention Centre West

Mohammad Fakoor
Building Performance Group Leader at RJC Engineers


Mohammad Fakoor, PhD., CEA, P.Eng., CPHD, LEED® AP BD+C, is nationally sought for his deep knowledge of building performance, specifically for designing high-performance buildings aligned with contemporary energy standards. Mohammad is a leader in building energy modelling and currently leads the energy modelling team at RJC. Graduating as a mechanical engineer and working alongside building enclosure engineers, he has a unique approach for each project – bridging mechanical and enclosure strategies to meet energy and Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission reduction targets. Mohammad has completed energy modelling and airtightness testing for hundreds of existing buildings and new construction. He has extensive experience in designing high-performance building enclosure systems aligned with the BC Energy Step code, NECB, and Toronto Green Building Standard.

Mohammad completed his Bachelor of Science (Mechanical Engineering) degree at AmirKabir University of Technology and his Master’s at the University of Tehran. At Simon Fraser University, he completed his PhD in Applied Science. In addition to his project work, Mohammad contributes to his field through research, presentations, and publications.

Mohammad Fakoor's Network