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Hotel Okura, AmsterdamIn person & on-demand

Summit Day: 13 May 2025
Conference: 14 - 15 May 2025

Goeffroy Hureau
Secretary General at CEDIGAZ


Geoffroy HUREAU is Secretary General of CEDIGAZ. An international association dedicated to Natural Gas information, CEDIGAZ has been the industry's reference provider of fundamental gas data since its creation in 1961. Geoffroy is an Energy Economist, he? holds an engineering degree in geology and an MBA from the HEC School of Management in Paris. His fields of expertise include upstream oil & gas economy and worldwide hydrocarbon reserves. Apart from CEDIGAZ Geoffroy has been collaborating with IFP Energies nouvelles (New Energy ), the leading french research center on energy, the environment, since 2004. His contribution include a participation in IFPEN's annual survey? "Investments in Exploration-Production and Refining".

Agenda Sessions

  • Fireside chat: With energy crisis leading to potential deindustrialisation in Europe -How much demand recovery can we see in 2025 and beyond? What are the stimulus required?
