GAIM Ops Cayman
April 6 - 9, 2025
The Ritz-Carlton, Grand Cayman


Only the hottest topics

Join 600+ leading ops, compliance and ODD professionals this April for 4 days of exclusive content and an event experience like no other.

Come together with peers and discuss the most pressing challenges and opportunities across the industry including the transformation of ops, the latest data and tech updates, SEC proposals, cyber, ESG, digital assets and more.

Plus a deep-dive summit day on Sunday April 23 allows you to focus on the topics that really matter to you. Switch between three different summits – ESG, crypto or ODD.

A networking paradise

Closed-door lunched, interactive Q&A with speakers, dedicated networking breaks and a range of social events including beach receptions, golf and drinks on the terrace are just some of the ways we help you connect with the people who matter to you.

All facilitated by a networking app you can use before, during and after the event.

120+ inspiring thought leaders

Nowhere else will you hear from so many ops, compliance and due diligence leaders.

COOs, CCOs, heads of due diligence and GCs will take to the stage in April and tackle industry challenges head on.

Leading speakers for 2023 include Bridgewater, Davidson Kempner Capital Management, CIMA, Two Sigma, ExodusPoint Capital Management, Audax Group, Alternative Investment Funds, BlackRock and many more.