Five SuperReturn Events. One Ticket. Just $1,950.
Buy a SuperReturn 2020 Virtual Season Ticket and access five world-class events for just $1,950.
The same great networking and content you expect from SuperReturn, now online. Your pass will give you virtual-only access to:
SuperReturn North America Virtual - 14-18 September
SuperReturn Asia Virtual - 21-25 September
SuperReturn Global Infrastructure - 29 September - 1 October
SuperInvestor - 17-20 November
SuperReturn Growth Markets Virtual - 30 November - 3 December
The virtual event platforms open pre-event and will then stay live for one week following. Meaning you can pre-schedule meetings ahead of time and network during and after the event. Plus access the conference sessions live and catch up on anything you missed at your leisure (excluding sessions limited to closed-door attendance, using the Chatham House Rule).