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Europe's premier partnering event
November 3–5, 2025 | Vienna, AustriaNovember 11–12, 2025 | Digital Partnering

This year, we celebrate 30 years of BIO-Europe. Let your network know!

Below you will find various collateral material and sample messages to promote your participation at the event.

Don't forget to use #BIOEurope when sharing your participation at this year's special anniversary.

Marketing Collateral


Explore the logo options to customize your design needs.

Website Banners

General Banners

Let your network know that you are joining BIO-Europe by adding ready-to-go banners to your websites, emails and more.

Social Media Banners

Social Media Banners

Whether you are presenting, sponsor, exhibiting, speaking or just a general attendee, make use of customizable banner templates to announce your participation at BIO-Europe. Don't forget to use #BIOEurope when posting on your social networks.

Sample Posts

Let's celebrate the best way we know how: building partnerships. Below you can find sample posts to help you announce your participation at BIO-Europe.


In-person presentation
[Your company name] is presenting at BIO-Europe's 30 year anniversary. Join us in Stockholm, Sweden, November 4–6, 2024, to attend our presentation and join the celebration. Register here:

Digital presentation
[Your company name] is presenting at #BIOEurope! Our presentation can be viewed on demand by attendees up to four weeks prior to the event, and throughout the conference. Register now to watch our presentations!

[Your company name] is a proud sponsor of #BIOEurope, which is celebrating 30 years of facilitating partnerships. We are looking forward to connecting with you onsite. Register here:

[Your company name] is exhibiting at #BIOEurope in Stockholm, Sweden! 2024 marks BIO-Europe's 30 years of facilitating partnerships. Join us to learn more about how our solutions can take your company to the next level. Register here:


[Your company name] is attending #BIOEurope! Join us in Stockholm, Sweden, November 4–6, 2024, to connect and celebrate the event's 30th anniversary. Registration information:

See you in Stockholm? I am attending BIO-Europe, which is celebrating 30 years of facilitating partnerships, from November 4–6, 2024. Join me and join the celebration,


If you have any questions, or specific requests, contact:

Karina Marocco
EBD Group