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Europe's premier partnering event
November 3–5, 2025 | Vienna, AustriaNovember 11–12, 2025 | Digital Partnering

The Fine Print

Online registration for the in-person event will close on November 1, 2024. On-site registration will be available throughout the event.

Online registration for the virtual event will close on November 12, 2024 once the event has concluded.


Register your team for an all access or digital experience pass today knowing you're covered with our flexible registration policy. Any time 14 days before the event begins, you are welcome to substitute your all access pass for a digital experience pass, or vice versa. Simply contact us, and we will either charge you the difference for upgrading to all access or refund back the price for transferring to digital only.

Registration cancellations or upgrades must be sent to

Since access to the partneringONE system is included in the registration fee, payment is due as outlined above even in the case of non-attendance at the event

Sending a replacement

Please do NOT update your personal profile page with the name and contact data of the new attendee or register the new person.

Please contact if you need to process a replacement.


Please note that we will not issue refunds for discount codes that were not entered at the time of registration.

Credit Cards being declined

Recently there has been a new regulation in EU that enforces all transactions above EUR 250 for products and services to be verified via additional security layer 3D Secure which means that once you enter your card details, as a next step you would need to verify this transaction via password, SMS or banking app for example. If this step is not complete, it would lead to a payment being declined. Please do check with your bank to assist with this step if you are facing difficulty.