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Europe's premier partnering event
November 3–5, 2025 | Vienna, AustriaNovember 11–12, 2025 | Digital Partnering

Fabian Berkemeier
Managing Director at IGES Institut


Fabian Berkemeier studied Industrial Engineering with a focus on Health Technology at the Technical University of Berlin and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Stockholm. Fabian joined IGES in 2015. His work focuses on strategic market access consulting involving health outcomes, health economics, policy and stakeholder engagement. Fabian is also responsible for the design and implementation of real-world evidence studies as well as the planning and management of national and international product launches.

Parallel to his work for the IGES Institut, Fabian conducted research at the Technical University of Berlin and the University of California Berkeley on the effects of pharmaceutical regulation.

Agenda Sessions

  • "Pay The Price": Reimbursement - is there now a single HTA procedure in the European Union?
