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Europe's premier partnering event
November 3–5, 2025 | Vienna, AustriaNovember 11–12, 2025 | Digital Partnering

Per Hall
Professor, Senior consultant at Karolinska Institutet


After graduation at the University of Lund I started working as a medical oncologist at Department of Oncology, Karolinska Hospital, in 1984. During my sixteen years at Radiumhemmet I initiated and headed the Hereditary Breast Cancer Unit and later the Cancer Epidemiology Unit. I defended my thesis in the field of Radiation Epidemiology in 1991.

I started working as a full time epidemiologist at the Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics in 2000. Today my research focus is breast cancer. Part time I have moved back to clinical practice with a focus on clinical research as I have a part time position at Södersjukhuset, Stockholm.

Since 1996 I have coordinated six European Commission and two NIH projects. Besides the ordinary national funding agencies I have received funding from private donations and the Stockholm County Council.

My strength as a researcher is that questions asked and hypothesis generated are all based in my clinical background. I want my results to have clinical implications.

However, research is not the most important part of life, that’s my three sons, one working, two still students.

Agenda Sessions

  • “Beautiful Life”: Atossa Therapeutics and the Karolinska Institute: The SMART study: A unique Swedish American collaboration to prevent breast cancer
