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Europe's premier partnering event
November 3–5, 2025 | Vienna, AustriaNovember 11–12, 2025 | Digital Partnering

Sofia Heigis
CEO at Oncopeptides


Sofia was appointed Chief Executive Officer in August 2023.

Sofia joined Oncopeptides in August 2020 as Senior Vice President and Global Head Medical Affairs. She was appointed Chief Commercial Officer and Managing Director Germany in 2022. Sofia was engaged in the preparedness and launch of Pepaxto in the US, and has led the preparations of the commercialization of Pepaxti in Europe. She has been a member of the Leadership Team since November 2021.

Sofia brings broad experience from leading international roles in Medical Affairs, Regulatory Affairs, Market Ethics, Pharmacovigilance, Real World Evidence as well as several Marketing and Sales roles at Astra Zeneca, and has been engaged in both global and local product launches.

Sofia holds a Master of Pharmacology from the University of Gothenburg, including a Master Thesis in Pharmacology from Bond University. She has an Executive Master in Strategy, and is a member of the business network for female leaders, Ruter Dam.

Agenda Sessions

  • Rare and Orphan Diseases: Oncopeptides

  • "Pay The Price": Reimbursement - is there now a single HTA procedure in the European Union?
