Biotech Showcase
An all-inclusive life science conference
Save the date for next yearJanuary 12–14, 2026 | San Francisco, CA

Andrei Georgescu
CEO & Co-Founder at Vivodyne


Dr. Georgescu spearheads Vivodyne’s vision of reshaping therapeutics development. The loss of translation between animal studies and human trials compelled him to co-found Vivodyne in 2020 and create an entirely new platform from the ground up. With a Ph.D. from Dr. Huh’s esteemed organ-chip research group at the University of Pennsylvania, his expertise lies in human-tissue engineering, robotics, and machine learning. His prior achievements include sending lab-grown tissues with NASA to space and developing DNA synthesis chips that remain industry staples to this day.

Agenda Sessions

  • AI, ML, & LLM: Revolutionizing Therapeutic Development
