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The Buildings Show
December 3 - 5, 2025
Metro Toronto Convention Centre

Derek Smith
Principal at Constructionlab Ltd.


Derek Smith is considered one of Canada’s leading facilitators of construction and design industry workshops. With over 10,000 attendees at his in-class sessions since 2013 when he established Constructionlab, his rating for delivery of content, teaching style, insight and expertise averages 4.5 out of 5 of over 500 attendees surveyed. His company, Constructionlab Ltd., maintains memberships with the Institute for performance and Learning, the Toronto Construction Association and the Grand Valley Construction Association. Derek practiced architecture for 15 years of his career, contributing to approximately $400 million in built projects prior to his role as Executive Director of the London and District Construction Association from 2007 to 2012. Derek has produced courses for the Ontario Construction secretariat and the Provincial Building and Construction Trades Council. In 2022, Derek invented and produced JOBSITE The Board Game TM. JOBSITE is handcrafted in Canada.